uPress is a WordPress plug in to allow you to post events- with starting and ending dates- or to list items with expiration dates. It is an example of microformats in action. It is still a .4 release and may not notify search engines as nicely as WordPress does, but for a few of our clients- and for listing seminar dates- it may come in really handy. What better place to test it than here.
We thought it would automatically delete the event when it was done- it didn’t. But, we are going to keep using it- just because it makes the info easy to find.
About Microformats
To quote my online buddy D’Arcy, anyone who tells you they are an expert in this field of making sense of cyberspace isn’t telling you the truth: it changes too quickly for anyone to know it all.
I’m the first to tell a potential client what I don’t know- but hopefully, I can make a connection for them to someone that does know a lot about that area.
So- when I came across this site about “Micro Formats” and read the about- I was excited. Here is a new way of trying to make sense out of the chaos we have on the Internet as things change so quickly- and it’s called MicroFormats- using common, existing data vocabulary to build things we need.
Unlike, say, the video production industry that builds a new format every other week (there are about 18 different Hi Definition “standards” for video)- the “MicroFormat” movement is trying to use existing tech to accomplish things in a simple way. Much like the way Apple forced developers to use the same interface and formats to make it easy to interchange data and learn different programs on a Macintosh – microformats are trying to keep things simple.
You don’t have to understand the code- you just need to be able to use it and exchange it could be thier mantra.
Hopefully, this movement will gain traction- making it easier for all of us to become “experts” in this new media world.
Today’s paper had a few minor errors- the Seminar after the Java Talk will begin at 8:30- so that we can finish wrapping up questions from the free talk. And the $79 rate was for AMA members- who attend the event. It was not 25% off $79. The walk in price for the Blogosopher seminar is $129- we pre-register at $99, and AMA members are being given The Next Wave client rate of $79.
If you are looking to sign up for the seminar- go to the sign-up page and if you are interested in pre-registering for the free Java Talk hosted by the Dayton Chapter of the American Marketing Association- here is the link: http://daytonama.marketingpower.com/content32233.php
We are trying to get a solid head count for coffee and donuts for the Java Talk.
We apologize for any confusion.