The Effective Emailer

Let the Good Times Roll–by Guy Kawasaki: The Effective Emailer

So- you’ve been e-mailing for a long time- but, I hate to tell you- most of you suck at it.

Here are some guidelines from Guy Kawasaki- the former king of evangelism at Apple.

If you want the short version:

A good subject- ie. what the e-mail is about. No “Hi” or “no subject” – something like- “Follow up question on the seminar” or “The meeting on 3/4/06- agenda”

Quote the e-mail you are responding to. It always helps to have both sides of the conversation.

Have a signature- so people have your contact info- or better yet- use a vCard.

Most importantly- don’t forward anything with a cc list of people’s e-mails- Spammers love it when you send the mile long e-mail about how if you forward this e-mail Bill Gates will give you a Honda… and always bcc- if you must send things like this.

Best of all- check before forwarding anything – so if it’s hogwash- you don’t look like an idiot.

With so many spam filters out there- the best way to get your e-mail through is to be an effective e-mailer- so read Guy’s post.


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