The evolution of the WordPress dashboard

Just had a client running 2.3 wonder what the new version looked like (2.8.2) and how it would change his site.  I explained, that other than his “supertheme” K2 may be a bit wonky with a new version of WP- the site would look the same to the viewer- but very different to him.

I did a search of the dashboard design- and found this great post with screen shots from the earliest WP to 2.7 – very interesting, especially to user interface designers:

With the recently launched WordPress 2.7, bloggers now marvel at how clean, beautiful and usable is the new interface. But do you remember what it used to be a couple of months ago? For those who started using WordPress years ago, can you remember what your admin area looked like?

via A Journey Through Five Years of WordPress Interface. « planetOzh.

We started with WordPress 1.2, the first of the “modern” dashboards. I have to say, that I agree with most assessment of the changes. The thing that has driven me mad the most, has been the playing with the “Press this” function through time- and the really crappy picture upload interface (4 choices that all present the same uploader screen is just LAME).

But, compared to other CMS options- WordPress remains the hands down simplest for the most effect.


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