A snapchat guide that’s really useful

Snapchat logo pngSocial media can be confusing. There are so many different networks and tools your business can use that you have to carefully choose which ones are best for your business.

Snapchat reaches young people- this guide is written by a 22 year old. CNN, People, ESPN, Mashable, Vice and other major media outlets have snap stories available, some very highly produced compared to the snapstories of a teen.

But, right out of the box- figuring out snapchat (and the other similar apps- Fleek and Yeti) isn’t exactly intuitive- that’s why we like this simple guide.

Here are all the basics, as well as everything you never knew you could do on Snapchat. It’s easier than it seems.

Source: A 22-year-old made the ultimate guide on how to use Snapchat

If you are near a college campus and market to students- these apps, plus Yik Yak are where you want to be.


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