The 12 reasons why UK businesses don’t blog | Internet Marketing News and Blog |
Although it’s written for the UK market- everything in the article applies here.
If you think your website is working for you- and you don’t have RSS, some form of live interaction (commenting) with your customers, and a way to update your site at will- you need to take the Blogosopher course and wake up.
Using a blog content management system like WordPress to manage your site is the best way to optimize your site for search engines- and to make things happen.
Last month had 6,243 visitors. 370 of them spent between 30 minutes and an hour with us and another 326 spent over an hour. Thats 696 cold calls- can your sales force do that?
If you are looking at having someone “Optimize your site for Search engines”- think again- we had 1496 different key phrases used to reach our site. Thinking about buying search terms? Google delivered 75.1% of the links to our site- while Yahoo only delivered 8.7% and MSN another 6%. That could be a function of how well WordPress notifies Google- or it could be that people use Google a lot more than other search tools when looking for sites about advertising.
Have you spent a lot of time designing your home page? Don’t- unless it’s WordPress- our conventional entry page: had 1279 enrtries, and our news section- run by WordPress: 16,613 with another 3,503 coming in through RSS.
WordPress is the most powerful tool you can use to build your business. Come to a seminar and learn how to get this kind of response for your business.
Blogspotter ::
Saw a referral on the stats from this site. It just goes to show, there is someone writing about everything- and this guy is writing about them.
Just remember- it’s not a blog- unless you make it one- it’s really just a great way to manage a website for fantastic results.
Blogs Perk Sales for High-Tech Coffee Mug
We’ve been saying blogs are serious business tools, and can help get your message out to more people faster than a traditional website. The story above is a case in point on how to use blogs to launch a new product by targeting the early adopters and influencers who are reading blogs now.
Build it and they will come?
The common mistake that so many people make is thinking “I’ll build a website and visitors will come.” That doesn’t work. Even if you optimize for search- it’s not enough to get you to the top- fresh content can help, but it’s really about building a network- links to other sites, communities, connections with your customers- that makes the traffic start to show up.
Think about who your target market is- and how to get them talking about your products or services- and then go out and make those connections. If your site is going to be your best salesperson- make it get out of the office- and network, network, network- and blogs are an excellent tool to accomplish that networking.