WordPress isn’t just for blogs- in fact, the word blog needs to die. WordPress builds a website- actively served, using a sophisticated Content Management System that is easy to use. It’s so easy- that smart companies are starting to use it to manage content and keep their site up-to-date, and W3C compliant for a lot less money.
Here are some of the sites we’ve found using WordPress as a back end. To verify- you just type /wp-admin after the url.
- http://www.xxlmag.com/ home isn’t WP, but it all leads to interior pages managed by WP.
- http://autoshows.ford.com/
- http://wildscotsman.com/whisky/ must be of age to view
- http://redblock.com.au/
- http://whoisjengordon.com/
- http://agenturblog.de/
- http://www.deliciousdays.com/
- http://allthingsd.com/
- http://www.2checkout.com/
- http://www.houseofnaked.com/ (it’s an ad agency- don’t worry)
Some, more than others look like a more conventional site. The point is, data from a database can be formatted anyway you want. The key is understanding the real beauty of a WordPress site is that everything offers the ability to build community.
Next Websitetology Dates announced
Come one, come all- and learn how to make Google your best friend- without having to pay for placement.
All the tips, tricks and skills to build a site that you can manage- and gets results.
See the Sign-up links above to get registered.
These will be held at Nehemiah University, 750 S. Main Street Dayton OH 45410 LOCATION CHANGE.
Full day seminar, Sat July 28, from 9:00 am to noon, then 1:00 to 4:30 pm
Intro course in the morning- $49
Advanced in the afternoon – $49
or the whole day- $79.
Intro to Web 2.0, including Blogs, using a CMS, Search Optimization, building community
Our Intro course- everything you need to know about how to have a web site that gets you to the top of Google without knowing HTML. We introduce the concept of blogs, using a CMS (Content Mnagement System), how to evaluate your web stats to build better content, how to build community with your customers and make your site a must visit daily asset to your business. We focus on the use of the Open Source blogging package WordPress. $49 (There will be a $15 surcharge for walk-ins- please register at least 12 hours in advance)
WordPress Intensive seminar: The secrets to great content and how to manage a site.
We show you how to use WordPress- to manage your content- and keep your site up to date- as well as making use of Categories to optimize your site for search results.
3.5 hours of step-by-step feature tour with an emphasis on how to build an effective site. We’ll cover some plug-ins that can make your life easier- and give your site extra power.
$49 (There will be a $15 surcharge for walk-ins- please register at least 12 hours in advance)
Location: Nehemiah University, 750 S. Main Street Dayton OH 45410
Thank you.
If you have a group and want to arrange for short introduction to Web 2.0 and how they win the search game- we can work a group rate- or if you want to host the seminar for your professional organization (ad club, Chamber of Commerce etc.) we can split revenues with you.Instead of giving away trash and trinkets- or “promotional items†to your clients- help them grow their business by hosting the seminar for them- as a sponsored event- or by buying them admission at a discount. Please contact the chief websitetologist at [email protected]
A year after writing about how a po-dunk restaurant went viral with a conventional signboard with inflammatory messages, the conversation in comments is still going on. Even with the URL of the restaurant clearly in every picture- I still get search hits- and, why? Because the comments add to the content, and the newness of the material.
The main reason the comments are still coming- the Subscribe to Comments Plug-in which notifies everyone who has commented that there is a new comment on the subject via e-mail. Yes, I know you can subscribe to a feed for comments, but, the reality is- this is easier- just tick the box as you comment, and off you go.
I could have written the post below- and I highly advise you to read the little tutorial they present on set-up:
boojies » Tips: Increase the Stickiness of Your Site with the Subscribe to Comments Plugin
I didn’t realize just how useful this plugin is until I used it on someone else’s site. I fell in love with it. It’s beneficial to both the reader and the blog site/publisher.