Cystats: Our new favorite WordPress Statistics Plugin

We just found the new WordPress statistics plugin Cystats, and have fallen in love with it. This is a powerful little tool that we found  searching through the 83  statistics plugins listed in the WordPress directory. It’s so powerful that it even has stuff that Google Web Analytics doesn’t have- and displays it all, in your dashboard to help you analyze your WordPress site.

Cystats plugin is easy to install and set up;upload the files to your wp-content/plugins directory, and then activate it in the backend. You’ll immediately be able to see the most commented and visited pages and posts, as well as start recording visitor trending, searchbot visits, search strings, top referrers and more. There’s even a way to see the screen resolution and web browser that your visitors are using to view your website (mobile views should be going up too).

You can download Cystats by clicking the link below. Here’s a screenshot :

Cystats Plugin Download

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Websitetology: Friday Aug 22, 2008 Dayton

You can’t have a business without a website anymore than a business without a phone. Spend a day with us and learn everything you need to know about how the web works- but the secrets of how you get to the first page of Google without paying for ads.

Anyone can learn to maintain a website using the newest coolest Web 2.0 tools- which means nothing to buy, no code to learn and the ability to connect with customers easier than ever before.

At a recent short presentation to the Greater Dayton Advertising Association Professional Development program we got 100% positive reviews and comments like “obviously knows his material well” and “one of your best presentations. Lots of useful info to implement immediately.”

Your website can become a powerful business tool and easy to use if you take this seminar. Your webstats will prove it in no time.

So sign up now– we know you’ll become one of our many successful Websitetologists.

Friday, 22 August 2008 at Nehemiah University, 750 S. Main Street Dayton OH 45402 from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm.

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Google tricks- searching every craigslist site at once.

We tell people to check their own site by going to Google and searching for site:yourdomainname.tld to see how many pages Google sees and how it sees them. Now, Wired shows us how to go scan all the Craigslist sites for a certain item- using the same trick.

Go to Google, type in “search term” and you’ll find ever P150 Vespa across the country.

If you’re a Craigslist addict, you know the Holy Grail of the online classified site would be a way to search the entire site at the same time.

For whatever reason, Craigslist does not want you to do this. When the question of searching the whole site at once is posed to Craigslist discussion forums, the response is always “you can’t,” and the civility of responses goes downhill from there. It should be noted that searching the entire site goes against the culture that Craigslist attempts to engender. It was never meant to be an alternative to Ebay, a global online forum for trade, but rather a community-based forum for trade. Do not be surprised if your communications with people outside your area are ignored or you are treated as a scam artist.

So if you want to buy a car, find a job or trade antique fly fishing lures, and you’re not having luck in your specific locale, you would search the San Francisco Bay Area region landing page, then New York, Great Britain or any other city, state, or country where cars, jobs and fly fishing lures are found.

read the step-by-step by following this link: Search Every Craigslist Site at Once – Wired How-To Wiki

You can also find out how many places your competitor has your product name on their site using the same logic site:yourcompetitionsurl.tld “your product name” etc. etc.

Just another cool Google tool.

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