For only $529 (Canadian) you can….

One of our Blogosophers sent me a link on a seminar the Canadian Marketing Association is hosting: Blogs: A Marketers’ Secret Weapon

sure it’s an all day event- but we cover 90% of the same material and it’s only $99!

(and one other thing- we practice what we preach- their site does not use RSS on the seminar)

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Blogs in the news

Today’s Dayton Daily News dedicated their Op-Ed page to a discussion of traditional elite journalists vs. the new media darling; the blogger. (It doesn’t do any good to point to the articles since they will be off the site in a week). The articles pointed out all kinds of facts and figures and made wild generalizations about audiences, fact checking and what the future holds.
The fact is information is information- presented by bloggers or traditional media- it’s all bits of data- and the form or forum isn’t important. As Nicholas Negroponte said in his book “Being Digital” – “Bits not Atoms” and this is why newspapers in particular should be nervous. The information contained within the page was all digital at one point- by converting it to a printed newspaper doesn’t make it more legitimate- it just makes for a better birdcage liner. The same goes for a blog- garbage in – garbage out. Fact checking can be bad from any venue- look to the New York Times and the Jason Blair affair or CBS news with the doctored documents on the President’s service records- being a big media giant doesn’t mean you get your facts more right than the guy putting his message out into the world using a blog. With apologies to Marshal Mcluhan- the medium is not the message anymore.
The blogosopher seminar talks about creating content of value to build your web presence, the use of WordPress is just a tool to get visibility in search engines like Google. While the editorials talk about credibility- we talk about visibility. In the new media age, if you create crap you will be found out faster than ever before. It used to be said that great advertising will kill a bad product faster than bad advertising will kill a good product. Misrepresenting your product will not be overlooked- the word will be out faster than you can say class action lawsuit. The new iPod nano from Apple was exposed on a blog 3 days after its launch by an unhappy young man who launched (site no longer live) and started cataloging problems with the screen.
You blog is your product represented on the web, it’s up to you to calibrate your data for your audience and to provide useful data for them. Content is king, information is power, and a WordPress blog is just one tool to spread your message.
Don’t get caught up in Big Media’s semantics of what a blog is or isn’t- it is what you make it. WordPress is a content management system- it’s the typographer, printer, distribution system (paper boy) etc. It isn’t the editor- that’s you- and that’s a budding blogosopher.

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Theme switching in WordPress- window dressing or a valuable tool?

It takes time to customize a WordPress theme to make it “your own.” From simple color changes and replacing the header image- to massive rewrites of the CSS file, you can pretty much do what you want.
The theme switching plugin was built out of necessity for the theme review pages- so the host could upload all the themes into the theme folder- and then let the viewer switch from one to another to see what they liked.

Theme review sites:
and this site which dissects the themes

Quickly, people started putting the code on their sites- allowing the user to chose how to view the site- here is an example:
One note- make sure you install the switcher in every theme’s sidebar- or people will switch and get stuck.
I generally wrote off theme switchers- until the massive rewrite of one of my favorite news sites- The designer who rebuilt the interface is one of the most talented coders I’ve seen. His use of the themes switcher is what prompted me to rethink the value of this tool. He has provided a user “toolbox” to choose how to present the site- as a portal, news articles or headlines only- with your choice of type sizes.
The MacNN Toolbox theme switcher
The theme switcher seems to be built into the 2.0 interface so adding the plug-in will no longer be needed- but, the way you use it is up to you.

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