Press This becomes a WordPress plugin

One of the most useful, underrated tools in the WordPress realm is the Press This bookmarklet. For those of you who’ve cited other websites via plain old copy and paste and conventional link building, you’ve been missing out. It’s been part of the Core install from somewhere around version 2.0 as Press It. After 2.5 it was renamed PressThis- but did the same thing.

How it worked was covered here: Press It, the semi-secret WordPress content generating tool

To briefly explain, Press This allows you to select content from another site- and create a properly attributed linked quote using the blockquote style with one click. All you have to do the first time is drag the “bookmarklet” to your bookmark toolbar- and it can be waiting for you as you come across content you would like to share.

The big change is that Press It, now called Press This is now an add on plugin– still an Automattic tool- but, not installed with every install.

If you used it- and have upgraded to WordPress 4.9 – your next use will require you to install the plugin- and all the functionality will return.

We highly recommend it be installed on all new installations and that you learn how to use it.

Here’s a video to help you along:


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