WordPress Visual Rich Editor (WYSIWG) stops working?

All of a sudden, my pretty quicktags bar stopped showing up. It was as if the Visual Rich Editor had been turned off.

I went to the Options>Writing> ” Users should use the visual rich editor by default” check box- and it was checked and nothing.

I searched Google for WordPress Visual Rich Editor not working, and WordPress Visual Rich Editor broken- and found posts about javascript being turned off, and something about WP MU. No help.

Stumbled across an “improved WYSIWG editor” plugin– and downloaded it- and was about to install it- out of frustration- when I read in it’s read me: disable the “use visual rich editor by default” in 2 places! Not just the “Options>Writing” menu- but also under the user menus. AHA! That was the answer- somehow, under my user profile the “Use Visual Rich Editor by default” box has become unchecked.

Checked it- hit save, and voila, my visual rich editor (TinyMCE) was fixed. Hope this helps someone else.


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  1. Well yes it’s 2 places that’s right.

    But what will you do if both are checked and you still don’t get the rich editor load 🙁 ?

    Dunno what happend. I wrote an article in the morning, and then 1 hour later I had no rich editor 🙁

    Any ideas ?

  2. Hi Alex,
    Try making a new user- with admin privileges and see if that helps-

  3. Just FYI – making another use an administrator worked for me.


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