How to Embed a Youtube Video Cleanly to Your Blog

The video above shows you how to embed Youtube videos to your blog effectively and cleanly. Specifically, what we will be doing is resizing the video to fit into our blog nicely, making the play bar hide itself, removing the distracting information at the top left corner of the embedded video, and removing the related videos at the end. The process is very simple, using only a few modifications.

The final code that you will be using should look something like this:

<iframe src=";3&amp;autohide=1&amp;showinfo=0" frameborder="0" width="635" height="353"></iframe>

*Note: The Youtube URL, Width, and Height will vary.

The part that needs to be added to the URL after the “rel=0” part is this:


Youtube will automatically give you all of the code that you need for the size and showing the related videos, so we only need to worry about the part listed above for the coding part. Just paste this after the “rel=0” section.

The end result will be similar to the way the video on this page looks. The dimensions of the video fit nicely into the blog post, and there will be a simple poster frame and play button instead of displaying the video info and the play bar at the bottom. There is also no border around the frame. When the video plays, you will notice that the play bar will hide itself as you hover away, but if you hover over the video you can still change the resolution, make the video fullscreen, enable captioning, etc. When the video is paused, the video title and information are not displayed. At the end of the video, the related videos are not displayed. This keeps the focus on your blog, and prevents something coming up that you may not want to associate with your blog. It appears that the newest form of embedded Youtube videos no longer have the Youtube logo in the corner of the video anymore, so we don’t have to worry trying to remove the Youtube logo.

Thankfully, the days of the not being able to edit the way your embedded Youtube videos look are apparently gone. For those who want to further customize their embedded videos, Google has a list of several other Youtube Embedded Player Parameters.


Commenting area

  1. Here is a way tool that automatically generates the Youtube embed code with almost any option you want to modify.


  2. Thanks for the tips Dave- the tool is very nice- and another fine option to solve the problem of excessive additions to the basic YouTube player.

  3. Thanx David! It works nice…

  4. thank man

  5. I use a lot of other peoples videos on my blogs alot.
    i wanted to know if there was a code that would remove the pop up annotations that sometime come with videos… ?


  6. I believe this link supplies the code to remove annotations:
    however, in many cases- the annotations are there because the author wanted you to know something- like a new version etc.

  7. Thanks David…
    I found this piece of code that does the job nicely..

  8. great tips…really helpful

  9. In Tumblr, getting rid of the related video works (), but getting rid of the rest described above doesn’t work (). Anybody knows why? Thanx!

  10. hey David,
    i love how simple it is while playing, but when i stop it, it still shows the youtube logo in the right bottom corner.
    Is there any chance to keep it clean the way it is while playing but to also get rid of the logo?
    also, is there a chance to remove the huge play button in the very beginning before playing it?
    Thank you

  11. I think the play button is always there.
    Google has made it a lot easier to find all the code you need here, including how to ditch the logo:

  12. This is age of Youtube.With the help of youtube we can get different different knowledge.It is very helpful for me to use YouTube Video Parameters for Embedded Videos
    For more information:

  13. Your method is out-dated and doesn’t work now.

    I personally use a tool called Julbul; that completely removes youtube logo from embed videos (and all other youtube links) from embed videos with 100% accuracy.

    Please update your post.

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