WordPress 3.0.1 auto-update failures
WordPress 3.0.1 fails with auto update- on our server, every time. Haven’t figured out what causes it- other than possibility of some problem with Fantastico installs.
We’ve also had quite a few hangs in plugin updates- where the installer fails in the process. The solution to plugins was often to go to the Upgrades folder- and just copy the plugin upgrade file over into the plug-in folder. Or- to delete the Upgrades folder and recreate it with the same permissions: 755
However with the WP upgrade- it’s not getting hung up in the upgrades folder.
Here is our workaround:
Manually update it- which means using an FTP program.We like Transmit on the Mac, but you can also use the free FireFTP plugin for Firefox.
Download the new version- and then copy every file except the WP-content folder over on top of your old files- and replace.
When you do anything in WP-admin – it will prompt you to update the database.
After that – if it still says it’s in maintenance mode- delete the .maintenance file in your root directory.
And you should be running WP 3.0.1
Several files you should not delete/overwrite – wp-config.php and .htaccess if you have one.
We learned from other web posts that it’s very important to the smooth operation of the plugin updates that your web server is running PHP5 and not PHP4.
To ensure this, you have to add a few lines of code to the top of your WordPress installation’s root .htaccess file. It varies from ISP to ISP, but on 1and1.com, this snippet worked for all of our sites:
AddType x-mapp-php5 .php
AddHandler x-mapp-php5 .php
Edit the file in any text editor, but make sure when you load the .htaccess file back to the server that it is named with the period in front of the text or it will not work.
Hi Steve-
We’re running PHP5 and it’s still failing. Not sure what’s causing the issue.
David, did you check to see if those lines of code are in your .htaccess file? Just running PHP 5 doesn’t seem to be enough. You have to tell WordPress to use it.