It’s a pain checking out every follower, but, generally, if no one is following them, or they don’t have tweets to match their followers, they’re a spammer.
Just followed a friend who was moving his account- and got this verification tweet: Joe X ” uses TrueTwit validation service. Please follow this link to validate your profile. ”
Heading over to TrueTwit there is this:
Twitter spam is a drag. What if you could know for sure that your followers are truly human, and not some cyborg? TrueTwit is designed to help you: Verify people from robots Avoid Twitter spam Save time managing your followersBy signing up now for free, all of your new followers will get a validation notice via direct message. If they too are TrueTwit users or pass the CAPTCHA test, you get an email indicating they are a TrueTwit validated human!
via TrueTwit Sign Up.
Granted a Captcha isn’t a guarantee it’s not a robot or spammer, but, it’s an extra obstacle.
Now to go check on all my new followers.