The Pope says Blog- we teach you how.

If you believe the time stamp on the message from Pope Benedict XVI- he not only says that members of the cloth should blog- but he says it from a few months in the future- May 16, 2010:

Priests are thus challenged to proclaim the Gospel by employing the latest generation of audiovisual resources (images, videos, animated features, blogs, websites) which, alongside traditional means, can open up broad new vistas for dialogue, evangelization and catechesis.

via Message for the 44th World Communications Day, Benedict XVI.

And with that message from the big guy- and from the future- we proudly present our next Websitetology Seminar on Feb 16, 2010.

To make it even more interesting- I’ll extend the discount of $99 for the day to any members of the Clergy in attendance.

Sign up ASAP because, well, the big guy is watching you.
And don’t worry, this seminar is also great for anyone that needs a website that works- that they can self-manage and self-update.

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December 09 Websitetology Seminar

We’ll be hosting our next Websitetology Seminar in Dayton Ohio on Wednesday December 9, 2009. Come spend a day and learn how easy it is to not only be able to maintain a website yourself, but get to the top of Google by just spending an hour or two a week updating your website (as if cold-calling could have the same effect).

We’ll teach you how Google works, how the web works, and how to manage a site without having to learn HTML, PHP, XML or any other code. We’ve helped hundreds of companies get their message out cost effectively through our seminar. Sign up now,, and reserve your seat today. $139 covers the full day.

Seminar will be held at The Next Wave, 100 Bonner Street Dayton OH 45410, but could be moved to a larger facility nearby depending on sign ups. It’s possible to have hundreds of people visiting your site every day- without spending thousands of dollars. Come to the Websitetology seminar and learn all the tricks to make it happen.

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Websitetology seminar Sep 15th 2009 Dayton Ohio

Learn everything you need to know about how Google sends customers your way- and how to get to that first page without using any Search Engine Optimization voodoo. If you think you need to know HTML to build an effective website- and have avoided it, this seminar is for you.

We teach how the web has changed thanks to search and building new web 2.0 sites using open source content management systems like WordPress, Joomla and Drupal- so that anyone who has access to the internet and a browser can build and maintain their own site.

Don’t pay a “web developer” crazy money to get the site you need- take the Websitetology seminar and be up and running in no time.

Sign up online:

We’re scheduled to hold the seminar at The Next Wave, 100 Bonner Street Dyaton Oh 45410, but, we move when we need a bigger room due to popularity of the seminar. We begin at 8:30 sharp- break for lunch around noon- and reconvene at 1:30. The afternoon is focused on using the easiest of the content management systems- WordPress. We’ll show you how to quote other content online, build links and relationships with other high value sites- and make your site the best investment your business has ever made.

We look forward to seeing you on Tuesday, Aug 25th 2009. Please sign up now, so we can verify room arrangements.

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