Over 100 unique visitors a day- and climbing

This site is less than 4 months old today.

The amazing thing is that it is already drawing over 100 unique visitors a day- and if it keeps going at this rate of growth, will quickly leave The Next Wave site in the dust (which is averaging 60 unique visitors a day). Note: The Next Wave site has been up since 1994 in some shape or form and has a lot of great content.

When we added the WordPress blog to The Next Wave site- we were averaging about 200 unique visitors a month! And this was with a code compliant site- that was built with search in mind. The difference was in how difficult it was to update the site with new content- simple additions could take hours. WordPress- or any actively served Content Management System makes changes take minutes- by someone with no HTML knowledge at all.

Granted, everyone is interested in blogging and easy site creation right now- and this subject is “so much sexier” than great advertising- but, the key is- building a site in WordPress isn’t only cheaper- it’s much better at doing what a good site is supposed to do- attract visitors.

This is why attending one of our “Blogosopher” (or “Blogosphere” as so many keep reading it) seminars can help you build a web site that can begin generating hits so much faster than an expensive hand-coded website.


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