Another cool search tool: social network mapping with Kartoo

Social Network Mapping with Kartoo at D’Arcy Norman Dot Net

I read a lot of Blogs to learn about the Internet and marketing. A system administrator at the University of Calgary wrote about Kartoo– a social networking search application. It generates a very cool bunch of maps on relationships on the web- an interesting look at search. Of course I did an ego search just like he did- and saw how my sphere of influence is represented on the web. While Google is the by far the leader in Search- there are other ways to look at the web – this is why sites built with web standard code are so important- and why WordPress is such a good tool for managing at least part of your site.


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  1. Kartoo is pretty cool. It seems to aggregate results from every major search enginc EXCEPT GOOGLE, and the results aren’t easily bookmarkable, making it very hard to share Kartoo concept maps…

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