WordPress Tools

WordPress Tools

Word Press Plug-ins we find useful – updated Mar 2010
Search everything plugin: allows your visitors to search comments, pages as well as the standard posts.

Spam Karma 2– if you start getting comment spam, this tool brings the power of the entire WP community to decipher if the comment is good- or has “Bad karma” http://unknowngenius.com/blog/wordpress/spam-karma/ It’s been abandoned by the developer but still works better than akismet.

PopStats – has been re-engineered and is still my favorite quick look stats package

CyStats: a more full featured stats package: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/cystats/

RSS feed reader– I use the Sage plug-in for Firefox: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/77

FireFTP – a cross platform FTP client for Firefox that allows you to upload themes, plug-ins or update your WordPress install. This link is to the main FireFTP page: http://fireftp.mozdev.org/ however, the easiest way to get an extension for Firefox is to go to your tools menu, click on extensions, then click on get more extensions- you can then search- and install all extensions easily.
Firefox is also critical- if you are still using Microsoft Explorer as your primary browser- switch now. http://www.mozilla.com/firefox/

Subscribe to Comments Plug in for WordPress: Want to get a good discussion going on your site- make sure you add this plug-in which will allow your readers to get an e-mail notification each time someone adds to a discussion they want to follow. One post on The Next Wave site has over 150 comments. http://txfx.net/search/subscribe%20to%20comments%202

Autofill forms Autofill for Firefox.

Google Site Map Generator Plug in even though WordPress does a great job of getting indexed- sometimes you may need some help- or have static pages along with your blog- this plug in helps.

Podcasting: TSG Podcasting does everything podpress used to- but still works. http://podcastingplugin.com/

WordPress shopping carts We’ve given up on WP-ecommerce and moved to Shopp- it’s not free, but it works. http://shopplugin.net/

Mobile Browsers: One of the beauties of WordPress is that you can have your site work in a mobile browser like the iPhone, Droid or Blackberry without building a whole new site just use http://bravenewcode.com/products/wptouch

Printing pages: It’s not good to try to print a normal WP page- it wastes paper- and you can’t see the links, WP-print solves that- even listing links at the bottom of the nicely formatted page: http://lesterchan.net/portfolio/programming/php/#wp-print