
The one day seminar to Internet & WordPress Mastery!

Websitetology is a full day seminar on how to make the Internet work for your business.

We remove the mystery and confusion around the internet and websites and give you information in a clear and easily understandable way.

The morning half- we will cover the how the internet and Google works, why Web 2.0 isn’t optional, and how community building tools are essential to a working website. You’ll learn what RSS is and why you can’t live without it- and how Google learns from it’s own mistakes- and makes it the most powerful search engine on the web.

By lunchtime you will know why some sites are successful and others aren’t. You’ll know best practices and have an idea about how to move forward with your own web strategy.

The afternoon half- is all WordPress. We show you how a web based content management system (CMS) makes it easy to update and maintain a site. WordPress is the most widely used and successful CMS out there.

We will teach you all the tips and tricks of WordPress- a very cool and easy to use system that is designed for Blogging- but offers so much more, it’s really a fantastic way to build and maintain a website for any type of business.

While we concentrate on using a Blog (short for weB LOG) to build traffic to your website, you will also learn:

  • How to analyze site stats (and all sites should have stats- you just may not know about them) to refine your content.
  • How your site design can be optimized for search engines- which will drive more than 70% of your traffic to your site (without having to pay for it) if you do things right.

Internet novices to people who already have successful web businesses have come to learn about how this Blog technology is changing the web.

WordPress, is a very smart, server side software, that makes it easy for anyone- to build and maintain a professional looking website- that can be updated at will. The code it generates meets all W3C standards, and it notifies search engines and your customers that you have new content with out you doing anything other than adding content. We introduce you to RSS which will change your online relationship with your customers- and how you use the web.

If some of this didn’t make sense to you- don’t worry- it will after the seminar.

We cover each part of WordPress in depth- including multiple authors, trackbacks, pings, password protection, dissecting themes, key plug-ins, and how to get help when things go wrong.

Normally you'd pay $325 for a 1 day seminar like this but our seminar is only $139!

Available as a live online class or in person in our office (lunch included!).

 (you must register at least 12 hours in advance). And if you walk in, it’s an additional $15 for onsite registration- cash or check only.

Don’t miss out!

Have a group and want to arrange for short introduction to Blogs and how they win the search game? Not a problem, we can work a group rate- or if you want to host the seminar for your professional organization (ad club, Chamber of Commerce etc.) we can split revenues with you.

Instead of giving away trash and trinkets- or “promotional items” to your clients- help them grow their business by hosting the seminar for them- as a sponsored event- or by buying them admission at a discount.

Please contact the chief Websitetologist at [email protected]

The Morning Agenda:

What is the internet:

  • Access
  • Types of servers
  • Domain name
  • Hosting
  • Mail

Types of sites:

  • Static/dynamic/live
  • W3C, 508 (screen reader)
  • HTML/Flash/CSS
  • Communities: AOL, Yahoo groups, Wikis, BB’s, NewsGroups (Etiquette)


  • Browser wars
  • Why Firefox.
  • What is open source?

Hosting basics:

  • Serving platforms
  • Control panels
  • Stats
  • Connectivity/redundancy
  • URL registration
  • How to sleuth

All about E-mail:

  • E-mail broadcast
  • What is SPAM/ CAN SPAM
  • HTML e-mail
  • Opt-in
  • Good e-mail etiquette


  • Search=Use=commerce
  • Google, Yahoo, others
  • “Search Engine optimization”
  • How search ranks
  • How web stats can unveil business for you


  • What you can learn from Stats
  • How to analyze the logs
  • What to do to optimize your site

Blogs/Content Management Systems:

  • What they are- and aren’t
  • Web Log=BLOG- journal
  • Active web site- Back end database
  • Content management system
  • RSS

Why Blogs are important:

  • Updated frequently
  • Good clean code
  • Low cost
  • High interactivity
  • Interaction
  • Market research
  • Networking

Site Options:

  • Themes- CSS
  • Extensions/Plug-ins
  • Mobile themes/sites

Social Media:

  • Key Communities: YouTube, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter
  • Geo-location tools: FourSquare, Gowalla, Facebook Places

Other Tools:

  • CRM systems: vTiger, SugarCRM
  • Collaborative tools: FengOffice, TeamBoz
  • Email tools


  • The holy grail of the Internet.
  • Writing for an audience
  • Style
  • How to attribute content
  • Links
  • Format
  • Promoting your site
  • Inviting your reader in.
  • How to analyze your content
  • How to analyze your keywords

What is a Websitetologist?

  • How do you contribute to the community?
  • How do you get started?